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Class of 2019 – Where Are They Now?

Kelvin Ernest Lartey Graduated summa cum laude with a BSc. in Media Arts & Science from Indiana University Purdue University. Peggy Asare Doughan Col. George E. Amuah Scholarship Foundation recipient. […]

Early Years Wows at AIS@60 Launch & Founder’s Day

Col. George E. Amuah’s (rtd.) vision of building the perfect school for his children was cast in brick and mortar six decades ago. Over the years, Association International School has […]

AIS Hosts University Mini-Fair

Association International School hosted a University Mini Fair on Wednesday, the 31st of May, 2023 at 10:00 am. The event was organized by the Graduate Guidance Group. Students from MYP […]

AISPA Spearheads AIS @ 60 FÊTE

On Saturday, May 27, 2023, the Association International School Parents Association (AISPA) in collaboration with AIS@60 Events Committee organized a bazaar. Over 50 exhibitors, business owners, and organizations from the […]

Association International School places third in University of Nottingham Engineering Competition

We are so proud of our budding female engineers for placing 3rd in the International Engineering Competition for Schools. The event was organized by the Faculty of Engineering at the […]

DP Jacketing & Prefect Investiture 2023

Association International School has held its 5th Jacketing Ceremony for DP1 students. The ceremony which was held on 21st June 2023 at the school’s auditorium saw in attendance the Head of School […]

AIS@60 Launch & Founder’s Day

Col. George E. Amuah’s (rtd.) vision of building the perfect school for his children was cast in brick and mortar six decades ago. Over the years, Association International School has […]

Big Quiz of the Year

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The Big Quiz of the Year

C enounce with righteous indignation and mens who are so beguiled demord charm some of some all pleasure the moment sayings through shrinkings from all the and pains these are […]

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