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International Overdose Awareness Day

For International Overdose Awareness Day (31/08), our DP1 student, Alejandra Morales, championed a CAS project to raise awareness about Substance Overdose. The theme for 2023 is “Recognizing Those Who Go […]

PYP 4 Visit to IOM-Ghana

IOM Ghana Chief of Mission Fatou Diallo Ndiaye and other members of the team at IOM Ghana hosted PYP 4 students from Association International School for their unit of learning on […]

Senior Spotlight: Class of 2023 – Adjoa Fordjour

Adjoa Fordjour began her studies at Association International School in August 2016. She was selected as one of 20 extraordinary applicants globally for the prestigious President’s International Scholarship of Excellence at York University, […]

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